Can Casi is located in the neighborhood called Puigcalent, located 800m from the village of Regencós. It is a cluster of farmhouses in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, on top of a hill des from which you can enjoy an extensive view of the flat of Baix Empordà.
Latitude N 41º 57 '7.785 "
E Longitude 3 ° 10 '11.075 "
To get to Can Casi from Barcelona, you should take the AP7 towards Girona / France, reaching out towards Port 9A-9B / Palamos, through the C-35 (without going to the municipalities the road is two-lane one-way) for Llagostera Sant Feliu de Guixols, Castell-Platja d'Aro, Calonge, Palamos to Palafrugell until the end of the motorway where you will find a roundabout towards Palafrugell / Regencós / Begur until the next roundabout take the exit of the gas burst straight to a another roundabout (where Vins Grau) direction Regencós / Begur - Pals / Torroella, continue straight towards the village of Regencós and take the exit Begur / Beaches going Rev. little in this area since a few meters away exit right into the hotel Can Casi is indicated on a sign past the bus stop, where there is a small enclosed hens, go to the right, continue on the path to rural places where the signal Veinat of puigcalent Can Casi, Mas Mauri, climb the dirt road until you reach the parking.
From Girona is C-66 road and after La Bisbal continuos direction Begur,Regencos during time about 40 minuts from Girona City.
The municipality of Regencós, is located on the second immediate line the coast and is a quiet and peaceful town, consisting of a compact nucleus of about fifty houses close the church environment with narrow streets and short retaining sections of the ancient cobblestones. You can see remnants of ancient fortifications at the end of the Middle Ages: towers, walls and gates.
Regencós is located at the foot of Quermany Gros, plain shaped hill is a sign of identification characteristic landscape of a large sector dela region.
The village is known for its brickyards, which davan work much of the population. Among the nineteenth and twentieth centuries they became twenty factories that elaboravan manually bricks and tiles.
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